Humatics is spelled with the first four letters of “human” and the last four letters of “robotics”, highlighting our vision to drive the seamless collaboration between humans, machines and infrastructure.
Humatics was founded on a simple, yet powerful belief that growth in the industrial world will only be achieved by eliminating the blind spots in your operation so you know exactly when, where and how all your moving things move. A combination of proprietary software, proprietary hardware, on-board sensors, and complex algorithms (all created by world leaders in the fields of AI, radio-frequency navigation, ultra-wideband technology, and robotics) position everything that moves – people, robots, autonomous vehicles, heavy equipment, buses, and trains – with unmatched precision and reliability in XYZ coordinates. This is microlocation: the ability to locate something you care about, on a scale from meters to millimeters.
With the Humatics Rail Navigation System, transit systems can accelerate signal modernization, improve service reliability, reduce maintenance, expedite completion of capital programs, and enhance system safety through a variety of applications.
The Milo Microlocation System offers ultra-precise real-time location using a base station infrastructure that communicates with Humatics transponders embedded within product, equipment, or robots.
Learn more and watch our technology videos by checking out our website...
Recognition & Rewards Program
Employer Sponsored Health Insurance
Paid Parental Leave
Complimentary Snacks, Coffee & Beverages
Free Employee Parking
Unlimited Vacation